„Közösen Európáért!” - XXVI. Zsigárdi Napok

We also carried out group work with foreign partners during the organization and implementation of the meeting, and we used the Delphi method, as we wanted to involve them in the organization and implementation of the meeting. This ensured a large number of participants. The program was jointly designed and addressed to all target groups, organizations and companies in the population. In order to achieve the objectives of the project, we implemented 4 thematic days with different programs.
In the program, due to the COVID epidemic and Slovak regulations, we were able to organize the program at a later date, the 5-day craft camp was organized earlier in the summer months.16. 08/20/2021 to 20/08/2021. The number of participants in the camp was 90 instead of the planned 60.
On Thursday, September 2, 2021, the participants arrived from the partner settlements.
03.09.2021 - Friday was dedicated to the theme "Together for Europe". We created an EU info tent, where thanks to the voluntary work of local experts, those interested could get acquainted with the history, institutional system and support system of the EU. Children from local and partner municipalities also learned about the history and institutions of the EU in the form of a playful quiz. Then there was a discussion and a round table discussion on the cornerstone of the EU - the Schumann principle.
04.09.2021 - Saturday was marked by the Cultural Cavalcade. Tradition groups from partners and the place were introduced, and traditional cakes and wines were also included.
05.09.2021 - Sunday was marked by history and commemoration. The students presented presentations in the II. we remember World War II and Schumann’s Life and Significance in Europe. This was followed by a round table discussion entitled Peaceful, United and Prosperous Europe. This was followed by a wreath-laying at the monument to those who fell in the war. In the afternoon, participants were able to see a cultural entertainment show where different generations performed.
06.09.2021 - Monday morning was the Youth Day workshop, which was held in the spirit of solidarity and volunteering.
Počas organizácie a realizácie stretnutia sme vykonávali aj skupinovú prácu so zahraničnými partnermi a použili sme metódu Delphi, pretože sme ich chceli zapojiť do organizácie a realizácie stretnutia. To zabezpečilo veľký počet účastníkov. Program bol spoločne navrhnutý a adresovaný všetkým cieľovým skupinám, organizáciám a spoločnostiam v populácii. Aby sme dosiahli ciele projektu, realizovali sme 4 tematické dni s rôznymi programami.
V programe sme kvôli epidémii COVID a slovenským predpisom mohli program zorganizovať aj neskôr, 5-dňový tábor remesiel sa organizoval skôr v letných mesiacoch.16. 20.08.2021 až 20.08.2021. Počet účastníkov v tábore bol 90 namiesto plánovaných 60.
Vo štvrtok 2. septembra 2021 dorazili účastníci z partnerských osád.
03.09.2021 - Piatok bol venovaný téme „Spolu pre Európu“. Vytvorili sme informačný stan EÚ, kde sa vďaka dobrovoľnej práci miestnych expertov mohli záujemcovia zoznámiť s históriou, inštitucionálnym systémom a systémom podpory EÚ. Deti z miestnych a partnerských obcí sa formou hravého kvízu dozvedeli aj o histórii a inštitúciách EÚ. Potom nasledovala diskusia a diskusia za okrúhlym stolom o základnom kameni EÚ - Schumannovom princípe.
04.09.2021 - Sobota sa niesla v znamení kultúrnej kavalkády. Predstavili sa skupiny tradícií od partnerov a miesta a nechýbali ani tradičné koláče a vína.
05.09.2021 - Nedeľa sa niesla v znamení histórie a spomienok. Študenti predstavili prezentácie v II. pamätáme si druhú svetovú vojnu a Schumannov život a význam v Európe. Nasledovala diskusia za okrúhlym stolom s názvom Mierová, zjednotená a prosperujúca Európa. Nasledovalo kladenie vencov k pamätníku padlých vo vojne. Popoludní mohli účastníci vidieť kultúrno -zábavnú šou, kde vystupovali rôzne generácie.
06.09.2021 - V pondelok ráno sa konal workshop Dňa mládeže, ktorý sa niesol v duchu solidarity a dobrovoľníctva.
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